Tuesday 22 August 2017

Dali museum berlin

When in Berlin I visited the Salvador Dali Museum and it did not disappoint, amazing designs, lovely staff and an insight into Dali's processes, including print making, film, photography, illustration, collage and the list continues! He literally is the master of experimentation. I especially enjoyed my visit as his work was displayed in a series, showing his initial roughs and thought process behind his famous works of art. I love seeing the development stages involved in design as they help you to see his flawed ideas before they were refined for the final outcome (or not in Dali's case). One of the most intriguing and funny things I found out about Dali's work was when his cat peed one of his painting in his Alice in Wonderland series (top image second from the left), yet Dali didn't get annoyed about the incident, he just embraced the dripping effect it created on his work and he went on to display it. 

Dali's main signature was his moustache that he would include in many of his paintings, it was really interesting to spot this throughout his work, sometimes his signature would include it yet sometimes the character he had created would have one. I loved his use of optical illusions in his work which you wouldn't necessarily spot unless you were looking very closely, one of his designs which is shown above had what looked like a victorian collar on, but when you look closely you can see it is made up of lots of tiny people fighting in armour. If you're heading to Berlin I would defiantly recommend giving the Dali Museum a visit, you won't regret it! :) 


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